Invoice Customer Orders


The Invoice Customer Orders is used to invoice a customer order entered in maestro* .





  maestro* > Invoicing > Customer Orders > Processing > Invoice Customer Orders


Invoicing a Customer Order

  1. Select or enter the order number.
  2. Select one or several deliveries to invoice.

The sum of the quantities delivered for each item will be carried over to the Qty Invoiced column. The delivery numbers selected will be grouped in a field which will be displayed in the following screen. It will also be possible to print these numbers on the invoice sent to the customer.

  1. Click Accept.
  2. Enter the required information in the Details tab:

The information from the Details section is from the selected order.




Customer order number.


Customer code indicated on the order.


Total amount of the customer order.


Amount invoiced to date.


Accounting date.

Due Date

Due date of the invoice.

NOTE: The date is calculated automatically if a payment term is specified. The calculation is based on the actual date.

Invoice Date

Actual date of the invoice.

Customer Code

Code of the customer invoiced.

NOTE: You can invoice a customer other than the customer on the customer order.

Credit Terms

Payment term of the invoice.

Invoice #

The invoice number is entered automatically when the transaction is transferred. The number respects the numeric sequence defined in Configuration.

NOTES: Leave this field blank so a number is automatically assigned by maestro* during the transfer. The number follows the numerical sequence configured in the Configurations.

If an invoice number is entered manually, the invoice is considered printed by maestro*.


Discount amount applicable to the invoice.


Project to which the income is posted.

Customer Project

Customer's project entered in the customer order.

NOTE: If the Lien Management module is installed, the value chosen must exist in the lien file for it to be accepted.


Indicates that the invoice can be transferred if the field is set to Yes.


Holdback percentage and amount applicable to the invoice.


Calculation mode for taxes on the holdbacks

Available values:

With Tax

Includes taxes in the calculation of the total amount of the holdback.

Without Tax

Does not include taxes in the calculation of the total amount of the holdback.


Currency of the invoice.

Without tax

During the invoicing of the order maestro* will not read the taxes but rather calculates the taxes based on the rates saved in the delivery transaction.

Impl. Delivery

Allows the delivery of goods (the outgoing items from inventory) at the same time as the invoicing.

Available values:


Delivery implied on the order; the delivery is made at the same time as the invoice.


Delivery done separately from the order.

NOTES: You cannot use implied delivery if a delivery has already been made on the order or if a conversion factor (Catalogue Management) was used on an item in the order.

If the implied delivery is available at the time of invoicing, it should be selected (the field should be set to YES) unless it is planned that a delivery is to be made later. If the implied delivery is not selected and that no delivery is made, the inventory will not be updated properly.


Accounts payable general ledger account.


General ledger account to which holdbacks are posted.


General ledger account to which discounts are posted.

  1. Enter the required information in the Breakdown tab:

The items identified by an asterisk ( ) are displayed for information purposes only and are not editable.

The items identified by two asterisks (**) are visible uniquely if the field Implied Delivery is set to Yes.

It is possible to modify the tax amounts by using the function CTRL-F7.



Inventory Code (*)

Inventory code from Catalogue Management.

Description (*)

Description of the item.

Unit (*)

Conversion unit.

NOTE: The unit varies based on the factor entered in the item in the Catalogue Management option.

Site (**)

Site of the material in inventory from which delivery will be made.

Location (**)

Location of the material in inventory from which the delivery will be carried out.

Charact. (**)

Delivered item characteristics.


Item identification.

NOTE: The arrow is used to select a specific item in stock.

Reservation No. (*)

Reservation number

If present, it indicated that the material was reserved prior for this order.


Determines the activity to which the income is posted for each breakdown line.

Qty Ord.: Invt. (*)

Quantity ordered based on the inventory unit.

Inv. Unit. (*)

Unit of measure associated with the inventory in Catalogue Management.

Qty Ord.: Cust. (*)

Quantity ordered according to the customer's unit.

Cust. Unit (*)

Unit of measure associated with the customer in Catalogue Management.

Qty Available

Quantity available in stock at the time of delivery.

UnInv. Delvd Qty

Quantity delivered, but not invoiced based on the inventory unit.

Not Inv. Delv. Qty Cust.

Quantity delivered, but not invoiced based on the customer's unit.

Qty Invoiced

Quantity invoiced according to the inventory unit.

NOTE: If one or several deliveries have been selected in the previous screen, the invoiced quantity will be indicated automatically based on the quantities delivered on all the deliveries selected.

Invoiced Qty Customer

Quantity invoiced according to the customer's unit.

NOTE: If one or several deliveries have been selected in the previous screen, the invoiced quantity will be indicated automatically based on the quantities delivered on all the deliveries selected.

U.P. Invt.

Unit price based on the inventory unit.

U.P. Cust.

Unit price based on the customer's unit.

Disc %

Discount applicable to the item.

Amt Invoiced

Amount invoiced.

Tx 1

First tax code applicable.

NOTE: To determine the origin of the code and the rate of applicable taxes, consult the help on Reading Tax Codes in maestro*.

Tx 2

Second tax code applicable.

NOTE: To determine the origin of the code and the rate of applicable taxes, consult the help on Reading Tax Codes in maestro*.


Balance to be invoiced, without taking into account the current invoice.

NOTE: This amount is calculated by subtracting the net amount invoiced to date from the total amount of the order.

Reason for N/C

Reason for no charge.

Allows user to not invoice the current line of the order.

NOTE: It is not possible to indicate a price at zero for a line with an item except if a value is entered in this field. The fact of a value is entered automatically resets to zero the unit sales price and the invoice amount.


If the box is checked, indicates that the line has been closed.

NOTE: The line is closed automatically when the delivered quantity equals the ordered quantity.

  1. Enter the required information in the Extras on Invoicing tab. This tab allows the user to charge a fee which did not appear on the original sales order. The project, the activity and the group are configurable by default in Configurations.

It is not possible to enter catalogue items in this tab. To invoice items not appearing on the order, it is necessary to perform a Material Delivery before and to enter the additional items in the Add items tab.


For the invoicing of rental orders only:

If the transportation time had been specified in the rental order, a line for invoicing the transport will be added automatically in the Extras on Invoicing tab.

  • The transport item code indicated in the general configurations will be used to determine the description and the activity that will be shown on the transport line.
  • The transport unit price will be the one specified in the order, if it is present, otherwise maestro* will use the product code of transport indicated in the general configurations.

If the installation time had been specified in the rental order, a line for invoicing the installation will be added automatically in the Extras on Invoicing tab.

  • The installation code indicated in the general configurations will be used to determine the description and the activity that will be shown on the installation line.
  • The quantity to invoice will come from the installation time indicated in the production resource.
  • Click Save.


Last modification: February 18, 2025